Dr. Mahajan is the Vice-Chair for the Department of Emergency Medicine at U-M and also serves as the Division Chief of Children’s Emergency Services at C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Dr. Mahajan is a pediatric health services and outcomes researcher whose main area of interest is optimizing clinician decision making in the emergency department to enhance patient and health systems outcomes and improve healthcare safety and quality. His research also focuses on infections (evaluation and management of febrile infants), developing clinically meaningful decision rules in the evaluation of febrile infants and inflammation (asthma, sepsis), and clinical decision making in a cognitively dense acute care setting to reduce diagnostic errors.
Dr. Mahajan is the Chair of Emergency Medicine Education & Research by Global Experts (EMERGE), a global emergency medicine research network, and he is also the Director of the Research and Education in Acute Care with Advanced Technology (REACT), a collaborative team of EM physicians, nurses, engineers, educators, programmers and designers working to identify and integrate innovative tools for training providers and identifying methods to incorporate technology to provide acute care. He has been serially funded by the NIH for his work on the febrile infant for the past 13 years. Additionally, he has received two AHRQ awards to evaluate how diagnosis related decisions are made under austere circumstances and to develop interventions mitigating the impact of error on patient safety and quality of care.
- M.D., University of Bombay
- M.P.H., University of Michigan
- M.B.A., University of Massachusetts
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