Our expert answers 3 Questions
I’m driven by the perspective and the experience of our patients. They clearly say that their experience improves when members of the interprofessional team actually work in a cohesive and coordinated manner. What we also know is that their healh improves when these interprofessional teams work together at a high level. Now the question is HOW do we educate and train our future healthcare providers to collaborate in these teams, respecting each others’ professions, focused on improving health?
I am intrigued by how academic institutions and clinical delivery systems collaborate to bring about evidence-based health care that improves health outcomes. Fundamentally, we are trying to educate and train all health professional students to be better members of cohesive teams. To do so requires breaking down the traditional silos and hierarchy of our academic and clinical systems culture. This will really require innovation in education and also in administrative systems.
The evidence supports that high functioning teams provide better care and improve health. But with the crisis of well-being we face in healthcare, I also believe that our efforts will improve meaning and purpose at work, reduce turnover, and improve the well-being of the team.