Dr. Likosky is a health services researcher and cardiovascular epidemiologist. His transdisciplinary laboratory investigates the determinants and impact of variation in access to and delivery of cardiovascular care services. His work often leverages collaborative learning to address barriers and facilitators for enhancing healthcare access, delivery and outcomes. Dr. Likosky is the head of the Section of Health Services Research and Quality in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Michigan Medicine. He serves as the director of the National Cardiac Surgery Quality IMPROVEment Network (IMPROVE), the registry director for the PERForm Registry (which collects data on the practice of cardiopulmonary bypass), and an evaluative clinical scientist at the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative.
- Ph.D., Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Dartmouth College
- M.S., Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Dartmouth College
- B.A., Philosophy, Emory University