As a researcher, your work can provide objective, evidence-based insights that policymakers can use to make informed decisions. One-pagers and issue briefs are tools for translating your research into concise, digestible formats that resonate with policy audiences. These products can highlight key findings, policy options, and considerations that flow from your data, enabling busy policymakers and stakeholders to quickly grasp the most important takeaways. Policymakers and other stakeholders are already familiar with and rely on these formats to stay informed on key topics.
Led by IHPI’s Policy Engagement team, this session will cover the why and the how of creating one-pagers and issue briefs, including:
• Understanding how policymakers and their staff rely on and use research and expertise
• Identifying your target audience and tailoring your message
• Structuring your one-pager or issue brief effectively
• Disseminating your final product to ensure it reaches the right audience
You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, learn best practices, and leave with a one-pager template to help you start creating your own products.
This workshop is open to IHPI members and their research staff, or learners working with IHPI members.