The evaluation design outlining the activities for the second phase of IHPI’s evaluation of the Healthy Michigan Plan from 2021 can be found here.
The first phase of IHPI’s evaluation of the Healthy Michigan Plan examined the following six domains:
The extent to which the increased availability of health insurance reduces the costs of uncompensated care borne by hospitals;
The extent to which availability of affordable health insurance results in a reduction in the number of uninsured individuals who reside in Michigan;
Whether the availability of affordable health insurance, including coverage for preventive and health and wellness activities, will increase healthy behaviors and improve health outcomes;
The extent to which enrollees believe that the Healthy Michigan Plan has a positive impact on personal health outcomes;
Whether requiring enrollees to make contributions toward the cost of their health care results in dropped coverage, and whether collecting an average co-pay from enrollees in lieu of copayments at the point of service affects enrollees’ propensity to use services; and
Whether providing a MI Health Account into which enrollees’ contributions are deposited, that provides quarterly statements detailing utilization and contributions, and allows for reductions in future contribution requirements, deters enrollees from receiving needed health services or encourages enrollees to be more cost-conscious.